โI am one of the leastโ
Peace Cathedral is the place, where I was told that every little girl is a Princess, the daughter of the King who loves every child without conditions; the daughter of the King, whose children are equal and will become kings and queens one day. And even if the whole world sees a you as a frog, but when you know that you are a child of the King _ you belong to the Royal Family.
Peace Cathedral is the place, where I was taught that forgiveness is the most important thing. Even if your heart is broken, you need to forgive so that never to remind them about the pain they have caused. It does not mean that you forget the pain, or that the wound will never ache. It only means that you love and you know that you belong to the Royal Family.
I wish Peace Cathedral to have the Royal Children brought up within the church to become prodigal children. Because, the law of nature is that prodigal children always come back. And that coming back does not mean the particular address, but rather the coming back to the Father, to his/her own conscience.
You can always end up things and write a full stop at the end and sometimes it is easy. Your paper of life will always have space for chaos of other letters. And you will never know which part is more important โ the one you have finished with the full stop, or the part that is yet to come. Your paper of life will always have space for it.
Your story is under your control until your own obituary.
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